The ProBalanced Liftoff Program is a 6-Week Personalized Fitness Program

Get 3 Free Sessions when you join this program for extra accountability, guidance, and structure so the "wheels get off the ground" and your new habit takes flight to better results.

Lets Get Started 
Schedule a Phone Consult Today

This is far from "just a workout" program, in order to customize this program to the individual we provide a series of Assessments & Additional Coaching

  • A Full Health, Exercise, & Nutrition Analysis Initially ask what your goals are but we need to find out more; what you've done in the past, what you're currently doing, what motivates you, and much more!
  • 12 1-on-1 Workouts PLUS 3 MORE! - These 45 minute workouts in the studio are the foundation of your program! Get stronger, more endurance, core strength, and improved flexibility.
  • Fill in the Gaps with Access to our App - 15 in person workouts over 6 weeks is enough to build a phenomenal habit but we take a step further and hold you accountable to accomplish recovery workouts done at home so you feel your strongest.
  • Nutrition Coaching- This is not a meal plan, we aren't going to put you on a starvation diet, and you'll be eating tasty high nutrient food that fills you up and gives you more energy.
  • Weekly Check-ins From these check ins we can form 3 action steps to put at the highest priority each week.
  • Finally... Unlimited Coaching!  Not only will you get access to our exclusive Pro Balanced GetFit Facebook Community but you'll get me by your side with unlimited text message support! Change is tough, it's my honor to guide you through it!

We would love this chance to give you everything you need to reach your health and fitness goals!